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Photo Finish™ Welcomes Mad Lads Racing Syndicate, Mad Stables

Mad Lads is in the building.

As recently touched on in the community blog – teams of all shapes and sizes are forming around the Photo Finish™ community. From dorm rooms to DAOs, players are beginning to find the utility in pooling resources to create a super stable. 

While we don't have a crystal ball, our guess is when you're talking PFL super stables in the future, the newly formed Mad Lads Stables, one of, if not the top Solana-based NFT project, will be at the forefront of the conversation.

Hold onto your butts, folks. Mad Stables has arrived.

The Making of Mad Stables

Led by Twitter Spaces savant and community member Sol Goldrush, Mad Lads has recently formed a Photo Finish™ community stable – Mad Stables — which, according to Gold, has been in the works for some time but only recently became a reality after he and others did a bit of homework and came away impressed.

“I first heard about PFL in March when a friend was shilling it to me, but it didn't quite click,” Gold said. “It was in September that I did a deep dive into it. Once I understood the immersive world PFL offered, I was convinced,” 

The Mad Lads community, known for its camaraderie and enthusiasm, quickly caught wind and ran with  Gold's PFL recommendation. “I suggested it a few times to my fellow Mad Lads holders, but it didn't grab their attention until I explained the detailed, fun, and immersive PFL ecosystem,”

“That's when the community rallied, eager to build something for the Lads to call their own.”

The Mad Lads Chads

With nearly 40 members actively involved, the Mad Lads Photo Finish™ LIVE Racing Stable project exceeded all expectations, nearing a remarkable $50,000 in capital. 

In an actual community-led project, they say, decision-making fuels their stable is a collective effort, with a charter voted on by contributing members shaping the stable's direction.

“It's not just about the game; it's about building a self-sufficient community. People in Mad Stables wanted to do something fun together, earn sustainable revenue, and strengthen our bond. The PFL team's experience sealed the deal for many members,” Gold explained.

Mad Stables says they currently utilize Telegram to coordinate their PFL efforts, such as voting on horse names and notifying members about upcoming races. Thus far, both Telegram and Discord have been lit up with dedicated channels to keep the community engaged.

They say while the stable comes together in a profit sense, the utility of entertainment has already been delivered, with alarm bells being sounded when PFL races are underway.

“We want everyone to be part of the action. There's a channel where we notify members about races, providing details like race names, times, and links to watch the events live.”

The Future of Mad Stables

Just getting their feet wet while raising more capital, the Mad Stables currently consists of four horses – two fillies and two colts. Moving forward, the team plans to strategically expand its stable, leveraging the skills of its data analysts to uncover hidden gems within the PFL ecosystem.

Reflecting on the community's exclusivity, Goldrush tells PFL that to get in on the Mad Lads action, you'll have to be a member, “Mad Stables is for Mad Lads holders only,” adding that part of the draw if keeping things in-house, only accessible to those who ride with the Mad Lads.

“It keeps the community tight-knit. If you're a holder and want to be part of it, reach out to us, and we'll add you to the Mad Stables Telegram group.”

While the current capital cap is $50,000, Goldrush mentioned the community's openness to future raises. “As the game grows, our firepower needs to grow too,” he added.

Offering advice to other communities, Goldrush encouraged them to leap into blockchain gaming. “Put out the feelers, see if there's interest. If you have 10-15+ people willing to contribute, set up a management team, pool your capital – it'll make things more fun and strengthen community bonds.”