
Season 12: Meet the Majority Track Owners

Part of what makes Photo Finish™ LIVE so much more than just a game is that the competition transcends what happens on the racetracks and enters into what we affectionately refer to as Horse Business

Many times, it's the game within the game that is most thrilling. And that includes jockeying for the lone majority ownership title of one of the five tracks in the ecosystem. In that regard, Season 12's competition came down to the deadline, providing riveting behind-the-scenes theatre.

Now, in Season 12, with $2.5 million already paid out, it's clear that staking $CROWN for a share of track revenue is the power move.

We can dissect the results now that Season 12 has closed and over 55 million have staked.

Let's meet this season's track owners! 

Big Brain Fair Grounds, Kyosoba, JP

  • Majority: Big Brain Stables (12.77%)
  • Total Stake: 11M+
  • Stakers: 1516

In Japan, Big Brain Stables' is a testament to unyielding track ownership control. Big Brain holds a 12.77% majority stake in our Kyosoba track, again making it the home of Big Brain Fair Grounds. 

With over 11 million $CROWN staked by over a track circuit high 1500 of their closest friends, it's clear Big Brain Fair Grounds is the most popular place for track owners to plant their flag.

Congrats, Big Brain!

BONK Raceway, Bluehaven Bay, AUS

  • Majority: OEB (Racing&Breeding) (7.89%)
  • Total Stake: 11.9M+
  • Stakers: 1464

Surprise! More than you know.

The Australian Photo Finish™ LIVE racing scene was shaken by the unexpected rise of OEB (Racing & Breeding) to majority ownership at BONK Raceway.

Responsible himself for  7.89% of the 11.9 million $CROWN locked up by 1,464 people, OEB's last-minute leap into dominance was a strategic competitive masterstroke that caught even us off guard just as we coordinated with the former track holder Stable Income to allow BONK a limited-time place to stay.  

According to OEB, unaware of this behind-the-scenes dealing, he had, at the last moment, decided to become a majority stakeholder to showcase the track at an IRL event and first-ever meeting of the Singapore Racing Club. Being the legendary stable owner, he quickly agreed to let our plans for the track continue, with a possible switchover showcase event in early March for him and his friends.

Be on the lookout for more information about the Singapore Racing Club! And thanks again, OEB!

DeStables Racetrack, Sunnyside Bluffs, CA

  • Majority: DeStables (10.82%)
  • Total Stake: 10.8M+
  • Stakers: 1395

Frank is back, and so is DeStables as the majority owner of our Sunnyside Bluffs track — W's in the chat.

DeStables' victory in securing the majority ownership of the Sunnyside Bluffs track with a 10.82% stake is a clear message: you'll have to take DeStables Racetrack from their cold, dead, DeGod hands. 

With 10.8 million $CROWN invested and a community of 1,395 stars backing them, DeStables is once again the proud owner of a Photo Finish™ track. An honor, they say, is now estimated to be worth 1.4 million dollars

DeStables? They're definitely not a meme anymore.

La Jolla Fields, La Jolla, CA

  • Majority: La Jolla Farms East (8.83%)
  • Total Stake: 11.3M+
  • Stakers: 1422

La Jolla is fun to say. But being the majority owner of a Photo Finish™ racetrack is even more fun. 

La Jolla Farms East's nearly 9% stake in La Jolla Fields, which saw over 11.3 million $CROWN staked by over 1,400 players, gives them the right to call the prestigious racetrack home—a home office where horse business if you will. 

Congrats, La Jolla!

Shing Mun Racecourse, Sunset Harbor, HK

  • Majority: TedRacing (9.42%)
  • Total Stake: 10.9M+
  • Stakers: 1300

The million-dollar man did it!

The contest for the Shing Mun Racecourse in Hong Kong was a spectacle of strategy and power—a test of will between TedRacing and the track's previous owner, Horse Racing Capital. Ultimately, by dropping 9.42% of the 10.9 million $CROWN staked by 1300 players, TedRacing secured the racecourse ownership throne. 

For now. Anyone who has spoken to Horse Racing Capital over the past two years knows that he accomplishes a job when he sets out to get a job done. After a season of niceties, we can expect them to come back with a vengeance.

I would not want to be on the horse business end of a Horse Racing Capital vendetta. Then again, Ted isn't your average bear.

Of course, the elephant in the room is this: Will Ted Racing produce a sponsor for his track? Will he let us know if we should change the name?

We're having a little fun now, but we're anxiously waiting to see if he reaches out.

We love you, Ted. DMs open.