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Fly High, SlyRaven

Fly High, SlyRaven

We regret to share the sad news that SlyRaven, aka Amber Coleman (owner of Blackbird Stables) has left us after a valiant battle with ALS. She leaves behind a daughter and son, and was just 41 years old.

We are heartbroken by the loss, however we are reminded how lucky we have been to get to know her within the community.

Amber was not just a friend to many of us; she was a source of unwavering strength. She fought hard against ALS, showing incredible courage that inspired us all. Her resilience in the face of such adversity was a testament to her spirit and determination.

In November, Amber was kind enough to share with us some of the details of her battle with ALS. We recently chatted with Amber's mom, and she wanted to share 'Photo finish made her happy, even at her worst times'. We are proud to have been a part in building a game and community to give her a light in the darkness. But we know she helped us more than we helped her.

Amber's spirit will forever remain a part of our community. I hope we can all honor her memory by living with the same strength and dedication that she exemplified every day. A true inspiration.

Fly high, SlyRaven. We will miss you deeply. May your light never fade.

A Call to Action: Supporting Raven's Family

I have created a GoFundMe campaign to ease the financial burden and provide support to her family. Specifically, we're setting up a trust for both children.

As of this moment, we've raised over $5,370 via GoFundMe and over $8,000 worth of USDC + CROWN on Solana.

How to Help:

  • Donate via GoFundMe: Join us in making a difference by visiting our GoFundMe page. Your contributions will directly support Raven and her family during this challenging time.
  • Crypto Donations: You can donate on GoFundMe or send Solana / USDC-SOL to the address BaDsBabJVpWaUspCKdFJ896kSsdjY3sdM1UjcbfLLYsx
  • Horse Auction: If you're interested in donating a horse for a livestream auction, join Discord and reach out to mods - ThirdTime_Bryce, Lacy, or LadyWasabi.

With Love,
- Ian Cummings, Founder / CEO